Tell National Grid No Rate Hikes For More Fossil Fuels

Right now, National Grid proposes to raise our monthly bills so they can expand fracked gas infrastructure in New York City and Long Island. This will keep us dependent on their partnership with the fossil fuel industry and profits over people when more fossil fuels goes against science and New York’s climate law. Customers feel this is abuse of their monopoly status. We must flood the public comment portal with letters. We made it easy for you to take action with this letter-writing prompt that will be delivered directly to the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Watch our fun 2 minute video about how monopoly utilities work in New York, and how we can build people power to direct them to equity and renewables.

National Grid has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted. This month, our Public Service Commission found they committed 1,616 violations while working on fracked gas pipeline expansion and they have been recklessly pushing for the Williams Pipeline without proving a need for it.

National Grid is suppose to be a public utility so it’s time they listen to us! And we say no more fracked gas expansion! Let’s tell them what we think in this easy letter generator that goes right to the decision maker, the NY Public Service Commission (PSC).


Then call Governor Cuomo today, and all week



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