Please share this widely!
There’s a Central Hudson rate case that was just opened earlier this summer; the company is requesting an increase in electricity costs for customers in our region. We’d like to invite your organization to get involved!
There’s a few ways you can take a stand against electric & gas bill costs!

Instructions on Registering to Make a Statement
*You must register BY 4:30pm on the day before the hearing. Give yourself extra time to jump through the tech hoops in the registration process! For the hearing, keep your comment to about 1 page long, because there’s a time limit.
STEP 1: Click on the blue links below for the hearing you want to speak at
STEP 2: Enter the password for that specific hearing
STEP 3: Click “Register” (DO NOT CLICK “OK”) underneath
the enter the webinar password box
STEP 4: Click “Register” in the box that appears on the right
STEP 5: Fill out the form & BE SURE TO CHOOSE THE “Yes, I’d like to make a statement” box
Online Hearing One: Tuesday, September 12th at 1pm
Event Number: 2345 253 2876
Password: Sept12-1pm
Phone Access: 518-549-0500
Access Code: 2345 253 2876
Phone-in password: 73781201
Online Hearing Two: Tuesday, September 12th at 5pm
Event Number: 2336 265 2934
Password: Sept12-5pm
Phone Access: 518-549-0500
Access Code: 2336 265 2934
Phone-in password: 73781205
Online Hearing Three: Wednesday, September 20th at 1pm
Event Number: 2338 342 7497
Password: Sept20-1pm
Phone Access: 518-549-0500
Access Code: 2338 342 7497
Phone-in password: 73782001
Online Hearing Four: Wednesday, September 20th at 5pm
Event Number: 2334 829 1678
Password: Sept20-5pm
Phone Access: 518-549-0500
Access Code: 2334 829 1678
Phone-in password: 73782005
Share your story, or the stories of people you advocate for!
Tell decisionmakers whether or not Central Hudson should be rewarded with a rate increase & tell them why you feel the way you do.
Talk about your problems with Central Hudson & whether or not they’ve been remedied.
What effect has being a Central Hudson customer had on your emotional wellbeing or finances, or on the people you help?

Want an official seat at the bargaining table? Become an an “intervenor” in this rate case.
Anyone, and any organization, can sign up to be an official “party” (also known as an “intervenor”) to the upcoming rate case that will determine how much CenHud customers will pay for their electricity. CLP has been a party to Central Hudson rate cases for over a decade; we’ve had some success, and we can share information and resources with you.
What is a rate case?
A rate case is the formal process used to determine what utility companies can charge customers for the delivery of electricity, natural gas, private water and steam service. Interested persons and organizations can “intervene” and become “parties” in a utility company’s rate case.
Who can get involved in a rate case?
Intervenors include: industrial, commercial and other large-scale users of electricity; public interest groups; representatives of residential, low-income and elderly customers; local municipal officials; advocacy groups; and, ratepayers– people just like you!
What’s required (cost-wise, time-wise, etc) to become involved?
The cost is FREE. Folks and organizations who become intervenors will be be working with experienced groups who value and protect your time by letting you know:
- What are the most crucial meetings, and when you should join them to speak up
- How to write the various testimonies/discovery questions
- What specific terms mean
- When we need to make big decisions for the settlement as a whole, and what the various options and their outcomes might be
Please note– rate cases do take time and there are a lot of meetings to go to (currently virtual). Intervenors do not need to attend each meeting, but consistent participation is recommended.
Is there a deadline for becoming a party to the upcoming rate case?
How long does the rate case process take?
The state body overseeing the process is the Public Service Commission (PSC), and they must make a decision within 11 months after a major rate case is filed. Rate cases proceed in an entirely public and open process.
Want to become an intervenor? Aren’t sure if it’s a good fit? Don’t have much time or want to commit, but want to stay involved?
Reach out to us at CLP! We can talk to you about ways you can make a difference, no matter the type of skills or amount of time you have. Email and we can help get you in a solid place that suits your needs and capacity.
Want to share info about this absurd proposition, so that others are aware and can take action?
Forward this email!
Share our Sept.12th & 20th Online Public Hearing Guide w/registration instructions & evolving talking points/ideas for comments. Here’s a nice-looking link of the guide to share, also:
Share our facebook post (or copy our post language and use it for an eblast or newsletter)!
In Solidarity,
Communities for Local Power