Proposed Ulster Gas-Powered Generation Plant: January 17 Open House

Dear CAPP activists and friends,
CAPP-NY is mobilizing in response to a Town of Ulster initiative to install a natural gas-powered “Peaker” power plant.  Investment in fossil-fueled infrastructure is counter to the direction we need to protect our environment and health.
This event will give you an opportunity to find out more about this proposal and register your thoughts on it.  GlidePath is the company contracted to provide the batteries for the plant and claims it is proud of its record of supporting sustainable energy projects. This is not such a project if it is coupled with a gas-powered generator.  We hope all who are able will attend.  Please see details below.
“Open House” on proposed Gas-Fired Power Plant project in the Town of Ulster
hosted by GlidePath
Town of Ulster Senior Center next to the Town of Ulster Town Hall
Wednesday, January 17th from 6 – 8PM.
The GlidePath (Lincoln Park DG, LLC) is proposing to construct a peaking power generatior from a 20 megawatt (“MW”) natural gas-fired power plant along with a battery storage facility in the Town of Ulster. The Applicant asserts that the Project would assist in the integration of variable renewable generation from wind and solar projects and provide services including micro-gridding and black start. The Project would also include containerized lithium ion batteries for energy storage and on-site diesel storage as backup when the gas supply is disrupted. The generator will be housed within a steel building and will require two exhaust stacks for combustion emissions which will be a maximum of 100 feet tall.  The project is in the Town of Ulster near the intersection of Frank Sottile Blvd and Miron Lane.
The purpose of the Open House is to “gather feedback from community members, and answer questions about the Project.” From 6 – 7PM, citizens will have the opportunity to visit a series of booths set-up to unpack different aspects of the proposal. At 7PM, GlidePath will give a presentation, then take questions from the public.
Please view the event on Kingston Citizens Facebook page —
CAPP-NY’s reservations about this project have to do with the burning of fossil fuels. Currently, based on what we know, it would be OK if the project includes battery only or battery plus solar. However, some Town of Ulster residents are raising concerns about the site, which may have artifacts important to indigenous people and is also environmentally sensitive; the site was intended to be a forested buffer and includes wetlands. We need to learn much more about this! Please join us in our learning process as well as raising your voice in opposition to any sort of natural gas-fired engines being built, with stacks emitting polluting and climate-harming CO2, CH4 and VOCs.
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Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipelines