Participate in the Largest Climate Action Ever Directed at Cuomo

In a time of record-shattering hurricanes, with our federal government bought and sold by the fossil fuel industry, states like New York must lead fight against climate change. But for all his talk, Governor Cuomo is taking too little action.

On April 23rd, New Yorkers from across the state are descending on Albany to tell Governor Cuomo to walk the talk on climate. From Rochester to Rensselaer, Buffalo to Brooklyn, we will join forces to demand 3 bold actions: to fight climate change, create jobs, and ensure justice for all!


On April 23rd, join this energetic and family-friendly march and rally outside the Capitol building that will include an opportunity to participate in a civil disobedience action. This will be the largest climate rally ever directed at Cuomo in Albany. Join us in demanding that #CuomoWalkTheTalk and get New York #OffFossilFuels!

Make sure you’ve registered for Albany! Go here to do it:

Connect with the event others on Facebook:

See you soon!


Resist Spectra