Fleet of Paper Boats to Stop in Kingston on Voyage to Climate Summit


Kingston, New York, September 4, 2014 — This week, a fleet of full-scale paper boats is continuing a voyage down the Hudson River, charting a course from upstate New York to New York City in a convergence of art and activism to coincide with the meeting of world leaders at the United Nations Climate Summit. Tomorrow evening, the fleet will stop  in Kingston for a riverfront party for climate justice, where representatives will make themselves available for interviews with press.

WHAT:  SeaChange: We All Live Downstream is a participatory voyage down the Hudson River in small boats made of paper to navigate climate change, call for action to stem it, and engage communities in claiming the water as a commons. The boats will stop in Hudson for a riverfront party for climate justice, with boats built by the Hudson Sloop Club Campers from Kite’s Nest, music, puppet shows, and games.


5:30 – 9:00: Sign-UP for the Kingston, Saugerties, Woodstock bus to the People’s Climate March on Sunday September 21st 2014 in New York City, $24 round-trip! Checks accepted, credit cards online!

For more info: Call Annabelle Vinois, (845) 443-0880 or

5:30 – 6:00: SeaChange Crew arrives in Paper Boats with a welcome-in by the Rosendale Improvement Association Brass Band and Social Club; music and dance.

6:00 – 7:00: The Cantestoria: A participatory based gorilla theater speaking about the People’s Climate March and the local effects on Kingston, New York. A participatory performance through art, song, and rhythm.

Potluck: Bring food and drinks to share with others and with the SeaChange Crew, meet your local community members at the docks near the maritime museum, for more information contact Daniel. J.  Helmer at (845) 235-6528 or e-mail:

7:00 – 8:00: Sea Shanty songs with the Kingston Sea Shanty Singers, a sing-along participatory Sea Shanty celebration for the river and presentations with the SeaChange members on Crude Oil, Tarsands, meeting the crew and discovering their personal stories and opportunities to connect, plug-in locally, regionally, nationally and continue the just-transition!

8:00 – 9:00: Information on the United Nations Climate Summit, Local busing and transportation to the People’s Climate March and general information, where, when, why? on the People’s Climate March on Sunday, September 21st, 2014, New York City. Come join us, all are welcome!

 WHO:  SeaChange is an initiative of the Brooklyn-based boatbuilding collective Mare Liberum and the global climate change activism network 350.org.  They will be joined by local groups and businesses like Kite’s Nest, Hudson Sloop Club, and Jane’s Ice Cream. Representatives from the SeaChange voyage will be available to speak with press.

 WHEN & WHERE:The party will take place tomorrow, September 5, from 5:30 pm to 9pm at the Hudson River Maritime Museum in Kingston, New York.

VISUALS:A fleet of paper boats with signs and banners; a large crowd gathered for live music and puppet shows.

SeaChange: We All Live Downstream engages with local residents along the Hudson, stopping in 13 towns along a 160-mile path over two weeks, to lift up stories of community resistance to proposed fossil fuel infrastructure while building local resilience for the effects of human-caused climate change. The voyage will culminate in a circumnavigation of the island of Manhattan, and a Boat Bloc on the East River in support of the People’s Climate March. SeaChange echoes the need to remain afloat despite rising sea levels, and the role of art in finding solutions that build community out of the global climate crisis.

INVITATION: Come one! Come All! The journey down the Hudson is here! Paddle for Climate and Climate Justice. The SeaChange team invites all to not only participate on the land-based events but also to come on the water! 

You may join in at any point along the way down the river; paddle and be seafaring journeyers, bring your boat, your kayak, canoe or paddleboard: all are invited to take the journey, be it for a moment or a span of days, or even all the way to the lovely New York, New York, landing in Manhattan on the 14th of September to welcome the UN Climate Summit delegates and journey to the People’s Climate March on September 21st!

Bring your boat or a friend, or both, make a journey for your part in speaking for Climate, People and Planet.

For more information please contact Daniel J. Helmer at: or call at (845) 235-6528.