Exciting Vote in Rensselaer Wednesday July 20th

Dear Friends: We’ve just gotten word that the Resolution Opposing Pilgrim Pipelines will be on the agenda this coming Wednesday, July 20th in Rensselaer! Our campaign to support this hard-hit Environmental Justice community in standing up to Big Oil continues. You can help by coming out to pack the hall– and, if you are an area resident or have special expertise to offer, by calling Common Council prior to the vote and by testifying during Public Comment:
Weds. July 20th, 6:30 – 7 PM Public Comment; 7 PM regular meeting. Arrive 6:15 to sign up for Public Comment prior to 6:30.
62 Washington Street, Rensselaer NY 12144
On June 15th, the Council listened as 16 people testified against the proposed Pilgrim Oil Pipelines (compared to two in favor). That event is covered here: Rensselaer Residents Speak Out Against Pilgrim Pipelines. However, Pilgrim lobbyists also appeared several times, including a private session (no minutes were made publicly available).
On July 6th only two City of Rensselaer residents spoke out against the Pilgrim pipelines (two non-residents also spoke), and so far, no business owners or people who identify as businesspeople — nor faith leaders from the Albany area or from Rensselaer specifically — have yet testified against the pipelines. We are, gladly, beginning to hear of support emerging from the faith community in Rensselaer, but that’s just a beginning.
We hope new voices will pipe up on July 20th at the Common Council meeting, and that business and church leaders, as well as environmental and social justice advocates, will call the Rensselaer Common Council members before hand to advocate for them to pass the Resolution Opposing Pilgrim Pipelines.
A number of Rensselaer Common Council members have stated they believe they should take no action — after lobbying visits by Pilgrim Pipelines representatives — even after their own Public Hearing on the Pilgrim Pipelines showed public opinion running 8:1 opposing the Pilgrim Pipelines. Canvassing suggests public opinion is far more strongly opposed than 8:1 (perhaps more like 200:1), but there is a limited culture of engagement in the City of Rensselaer due to discouraging defeats previously suffered over polluting industries such as the asphalt plant.
This is an environmental justice community, where residents are now expressing a strong desire to stand up and stop polluting industries from harming their health and well-being. As Marion Webber put it, “Most of our children have asthma.” The people of Rensselaer have had enough.
Short issues summary:
The proposed Pilgrim pipelines would harm City property, harm and risk the waterfront, pollute the air and climate, and provide no long-term jobs to Rensselaer residents. The Hudson River would be put at risk for 50 years or more, with 16.8 million gallons of toxic, dangerous and flammable hazardous crude oil and refined petroleum products going under the river every day. Oil pipelines spill every other day, according to the U.S. statistical average based on federal data; and oil pipelines spill far more than any other form of transportation (train, truck or boat).
So please make your voices heard, and please let City of Rensselaer (and area) business owners, residents, friends and neighbors know to call their Common Council members BEFORE the Weds. July 20th Common Council meeting to say, “Please vote YES on the Resolution Opposing Pilgrim Pipelines.” Keep up the great work, and make City of Rensselaer the 27 municipality in New York State to oppose Pilgrim pipelines.
On June 15th, one resident testified,

“I can see why a lot of people have given up. I’m tired, my health is failing, the fumes affect me day and night…. I have to close the windows, I can only sit outside at best 3, 4 times a week. Now if these Pilgrim Pipelines come, do I have to get rid of my house? I can’t leave my house to my kids with all this smoke and pollution from the cogeneration plant and the asphalt plant. I ask you to stop these Pilgrim pipelines.”

Let’s make sure the Common Council is listening– truly listening and responding — to the will of their residents in Rensselaer next Wednesday, July 20th.
If you need more facts about Pilgrim Pipelines, you can always look here: https://stoppilgrimpipeline.com/pilgrim-faqs/
Thanks for all you do


Iris Marie Bloom
Director, Protecting Our Waters protectingourwaters.com
Organizer, Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipelines-NY stoppilgrimpipeline.com

Phone: 845-687-7810 / Mobile: 215.840.6489
Email: protectingourwaters@gmail.com

Twitter: @POW_no_fracking