Category: Uncategorized

Tell National Grid No Rate Hikes For More Fossil Fuels

Right now, National Grid proposes to raise our monthly bills so they can expand fracked gas infrastructure in New York City and Long Island. This will keep us dependent on their partnership with the fossil fuel industry and profits over people when more fossil fuels goes against science and New York’s climate law. Customers feel this is abuse of their monopoly status. We must flood the public comment portal with letters. We made it easy for you to take action with this letter-writing prompt that will be delivered directly to the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Watch our fun 2 minute video about how monopoly utilities work in New York, and how we can build people power to direct them to equity and renewables.

National Grid has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted. This month, our Public Service Commission found they committed 1,616 violations while working on fracked gas pipeline expansion and they have been recklessly pushing for the Williams Pipeline without proving a need for it.

National Grid is suppose to be a public utility so it’s time they listen to us! And we say no more fracked gas expansion! Let’s tell them what we think in this easy letter generator that goes right to the decision maker, the NY Public Service Commission (PSC).


Then call Governor Cuomo today, and all week



Come to our FREE WORKSHOP to build people power around corporate utilities RSVP HERE


New York’s Nation-Leading Green New Deal

As global average temperatures climb to the highest levels in modern history, there is unanimous scientific consensus that in order to avert the most damaging, irreversible effects of a changing climate, we have no more than a decade to dramatically change course. That is why today, as part of the State of the State, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the most aggressive clean energy targets in the nation under New York’s Green New Deal – a nation-leading clean energy and jobs agenda.

New York will move boldly to achieve these goals with specific near-term actions and long-term strategies to spur unparalleled innovation and transform the State’s electric, transportation, and building infrastructure while prioritizing the needs of low-income New Yorkers. These commitments begin by putting New York on a path to achieve carbon neutrality across all sectors of New York’s economy and directing a mandate for New York’s power to be 100 percent carbon-free by 2040, dramatically accelerating the State’s clean energy efforts.

The highlights of today’s announcements are as follows:

Mandate 100% Clean, Carbon-Free Electricity by 2040 
The cornerstone of this new mandate includes a significant increase of New York’s Clean Energy Standard where the share of the State’s electricity coming from renewable resources will go up from 50 percent to 70 percent by 2030. This will be supported by several critical components:

  • Quadrupling New York’s offshore wind target to 9,000 megawatts by 2035, up from 2,400 megawatts by 2030
  • Doubling distributed solar deployment to 6,000 megawatts by 2025, up from 3,000 megawatts by 2023
  • Deploying 3,000 megawatts of energy storage by 2030
  • More than doubling new large-scale land-based wind and solar resources through the Clean Energy Standard
  • Maximizing the contributions and potential of New York’s existing renewable resources
  • Expanding and enhancing the Solar For All program to increase access to affordable and clean energy for low-income, environmental justice and other underserved communities

100% Carbon Neutral Economy-Wide
To help implement the Green New Deal, Governor Cuomo is creating the State’s first statutory Climate Action Council, comprised of the heads of relevant state agencies – including NYSERDA – and other labor, environmental justice, and clean energy experts to develop a plan to make New York entirely carbon neutral. The Climate Action Council will commence its work immediately in order to support the development of the next State Energy Plan over the next two years and will provide meaningful opportunities for public comment as it develops New York’s first carbon neutrality roadmap.

Large-Scale Renewable Awards
To demonstrate the State’s commitment to this ambitious clean energy agenda, Governor Cuomo is announcing $1.5 billion in competitive awards to support 20 large-scale solar, wind and energy storage projects across upstate New York. These projects will drive a total of $4 billion in direct investment in the New York’s growing clean energy economy, as well as add enough clean energy to power nearly 550,000 homes and create over 2,600 jobs.

Offshore Wind Energy
Alongside what is now the largest offshore wind commitment in the nation – 9,000 megawatts by 2035 – New York is investing $200 million in New York port infrastructure to unlock private supply chain capital and maximize the long-term economic benefits to the State from the regional development of offshore wind. This multi-location investment would represent the nation’s largest infrastructure commitment to offshore wind and reaffirms New York’s position as the hub of the burgeoning U.S. offshore wind industry.

The Governor is also directing the establishment of a New York State Advisory Council on Offshore Wind Economic and Workforce Development, as well as investing in an offshore wind training center in New York. Finally, the Governor is directing a first of its kind effort to evaluate developing an offshore transmission grid.

Carbon Neutral Building Stock Statewide
Furthermore, the Green New Deal includes an ambitious strategy to move New York’s statewide building stock to carbon neutrality by:

  • Developing a Net Zero Roadmap to chart a course to statewide carbon neutrality in all buildings
  • Advancing legislation, including enhanced building codes and appliance efficiency standards, to promote energy efficiency
  • Directing the Public Service Commission (PSC) to ensure that New York’s electric and gas utilities achieve more scale and innovation to achieve the State’s 2025 energy efficiency target
  • Directing State agencies to lead by example to ensure that their facilities uphold the strongest energy efficiency and sustainability standards

Climate Justice
Governor Cuomo is committed to ensuring that New York’s transition to a clean energy economy protects the poorest New Yorkers and provides new economic opportunities. As part of the Green New Deal, the Governor is codifying the Environmental Justice and Just Transition Working Group into law and incorporating it into the planning process for the Green New Deal’s transition. To increase the effect of funds and initiatives that target energy affordability, the Governor is also directing the State’s low-income energy task force – comprised of NYSERDA, the Department of Public Service (DPS), the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), and New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) – to identify reforms to achieve greater impact of the public energy funds expended each year, such as the $700 million in funds spent each year for bill assistance. Finally, the Governor is directing each of the State’s ten Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) to develop an environmental justice strategy for their region.

State Government Divestment
Governor Cuomo is directing State agencies and authorities, public benefit corporations, and the State Insurance Fund, which collectively hold approximately $40 billion in investments, to commence a process to review divesting from fossil fuels.

NY Green Bank
Governor Cuomo announced in the fall of 2017 that NY Green Bank would raise at least $1 billion of private capital and expand its clean energy investing activities nationally. To deliver on that commitment and further support the Green New Deal, Governor Cuomo is now calling for the development of terms for a public-private partnership to effectuate NY Green Bank’s third-party capital raise and national expansion.

Governor Cuomo is directing a new Carbon-to-Value Innovation Agenda alongside $15 million of NYSERDA funding to invest in new technologies that can help avoid the worst consequences of climate change, such as capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transform it into products, known as carbon-to-value. Furthermore, New York is establishing a new incubator and accelerator dedicated to these technologies, called the CarbonWorks Foundry, and is creating a framework for a low-carbon procurement standard to spur a market for low-emissions products.

With the Governor’s Green New Deal, we have a lot to look forward to in the year ahead. NYSERDA is looking forward to working closely with all stakeholders to chart an entirely new path forward towards a clean energy future for the benefit of all New Yorkers. Thank you for your support and partnership.

New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Time to Get Pumped

Learn about renewable heat pumps in our homes and communities. Today’s heat pumps are more efficient and fossil-fuel free. Heat pumps extract heat from the air or ground to heat the air or water in your building. They can also work in reverse as air conditioners!Register here for our Online Teach-in on Renewable Heat on Thursday, March 28th at 7pm to learn about renewable heating & cooling technologies & policies. 

And don’t forget to Save-the-Date
for this year’s Climate Solutions Summit
at SUNY New Paltz on Saturday, September 21st!

The Summit provides an opportunity for organizers and communities 
to come together to share projects, case studies, resources, experiences and skills to tackle climate change and implement solutions.
Check out the NYCP calendar for more info.

Please consider donating to NYCP here to support our work!

Heat Pumps!

Join us tomorrow!
Thursday, February 7, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Don’t miss out on
Chili, Cider & Heat Pumps! 

New Paltz Village Hall
25 Plattekill Ave, New Paltz, NY 12561
Warm up with Chili, Cider and HEAT PUMPS at this workshop on new heat pump technologies for your building and water system, with Hugo Jule & the HeatSmart Ulster-Sullivan team. Learn how you don’t have to give the oil or gas company your money to keep warm anymore!
 Air source and ground source heat pumps – and heat pump water heaters – are mainstream and a cost-effective investment (and even better if they’re powered by solar panels)! Find out what kinds of buildings are best for them, how to shop, finance and maintain heat pumps at this free and friendly forum.Click here for more info & to RSVP.
 Save-the-Date for this year’s
Climate Solutions Summit at SUNY New Paltz on Saturday, September 21st!

The Summit provides an opportunity for organizers and communities to come together to share projects, case studies, resources, experiences and skills to tackle climate change and implement solutions.
Click here for details on our event calendar!

Rally & petition for a Million Solar Strong!


On Tuesday, September 18th, join us to Rally for a Million Solar Strong NY on the Million Dollar Staircase in the NYS Capitol.


We’re calling on Governor Cuomo to build a #SolarStrongNY with one million homes powered by solar over the next five years! A million homes powered by solar will create local jobs, save New Yorkers money on utility bills, increase economic investment, cut harmful air pollution, and accelerate an equitable transition to our clean energy future. 


What: Rally for a Million Solar Strong & Petition Delivery

When: Tuesday, September 18th, 12PM

Where: NYS Capitol Building, Million Dollar Staircase

Who: NYS Elected Officials, Solar Industry Representatives, MSS Campaign Members, Home Owners, Home Renters, Housing Developers and Business Owners


RSVP and Share on Facebook:

Sign the petition to Governor Cuomo:


Participate in the Largest Climate Action Ever Directed at Cuomo

In a time of record-shattering hurricanes, with our federal government bought and sold by the fossil fuel industry, states like New York must lead fight against climate change. But for all his talk, Governor Cuomo is taking too little action.

On April 23rd, New Yorkers from across the state are descending on Albany to tell Governor Cuomo to walk the talk on climate. From Rochester to Rensselaer, Buffalo to Brooklyn, we will join forces to demand 3 bold actions: to fight climate change, create jobs, and ensure justice for all!


On April 23rd, join this energetic and family-friendly march and rally outside the Capitol building that will include an opportunity to participate in a civil disobedience action. This will be the largest climate rally ever directed at Cuomo in Albany. Join us in demanding that #CuomoWalkTheTalk and get New York #OffFossilFuels!

Make sure you’ve registered for Albany! Go here to do it:

Connect with the event others on Facebook:

See you soon!


Resist Spectra


Now Is The Time For Your Participation.

On April 23 thousands of New Yorkers will gather in Albany to press Governor Cuomo to walk the talk on climate.

In his 2017 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo promised to “double down on the fight against dirty fossil fuels”. Instead, and on his watch, there has been an expansion in the construction of gas pipelines, compressor stations, and power plants across the state. Fleets of compressed-gas trucks now ply rural roads, and explosive oil trains run alongside residential communities. Moreover, the state continues to import frack waste from Pennsylvania. Medical associations have documented increased cancer rates and respiratory problems as a result of the buildout, with pregnant women, children, and the elderly most at risk.

Enough is enough! It’s time to step up our resistance to the expansion of fracked gas infrastructure and demand that Governor Cuomo halt these projects and move the state forward with a rapid and just transition to 100% renewable energy.

For the past year, Sane Energy Project has played a leadership role in organizing the April 23mass action in Albany. In the coming weeks we’ll be hosting six regional meetings and an Action Camp to prepare people for the march and rally, and, for those willing to risk arrest, nonviolent civil disobedience.

Your donation now will support these meetings and help us continue to mobilize thousands of people to turn up the volume on April 23 and move New York State to clean energy NOW.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, and Gov’t Accountability

Climate Change and Hope in Ulster County!

Thursday, March 15, 6:30 pm – 8 pm
Ulster County Legislative Chambers, 6th floor of the Ulster County Office Building,
244 Fair St, Kingston, NY 12401
Please pre-register if you plan to attend.

Tim Guinee, Hudson Valley resident, actor and leader in former Vice-President Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project will present a free slideshow with discussion of the latest science regarding climate change in our area. The Climate Reality Project is a diverse group of individuals who seek to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by supporting urgent action on climate change across every level of society. This not-to-be missed event will focus on the very latest climate change science, the impacts in the Hudson Valley and the many reasons to be hopeful in facing this crisis. A panel of experts will follow for questions and answers and discussion. Free and open to the public.

Post-presentation panel speakers include:

  • Patrice Courtney Strong of Courtney Strong, Inc., has been helping homeowners, businesses and local governments save money by saving energy and assisting Hudson Valley municipalities to convert to LED street lights.
  • Tom Kacandes, President of Inside Track Solar, Inc., designs and installs solar, energy storage, and energy efficiency projects in the Hudson Valley, including solar systems for Ryan Insurance, Bread Alone Bakery, and the region’s first operating Community Solar array for CMRC, LLC on Ulster Ave. in Kingston.
  • Steve Noble, Mayor of Kingston since 2016 and advocate for citywide sustainability, energy-efficiency and quality-of-life. The City of Kingston has achieved Bronze Certification as a Climate Smart Community.
  • Amanda LaValle, Director of Ulster County Department of the Environment. Ulster County is also Bronze Certified CSC, purchasing 100% renewable energy, expanding its green fleet and EV charging stations and organic waste composting.
  • Evelyn Wright of Sustainable Energy Economics; provides climate and energy policy analysis for governments, non-profits and businesses in US and abroad, and makes detailed energy data useful for decision-makers.


Energy Efficiency Online Teach-In

Thursday, March 22, 7 pm – 8 pm
Register Here

As we ramp up efforts to push Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA, and the Public Service Commission to adopt a comprehensive energy efficiency program that is as ambitious and equitable as possible, we invite clean energy advocates and climate activists from across the state to participate in this online teach-in.

The goal of the teach-in is to provide an overview of the importance of energy efficiency in meeting our climate and clean energy goals, creating green jobs and healthier homes. Guest speakers will include energy efficiency advocates and experts from leading environmental non-profits, community based organizations, and the energy efficiency industry. The content of the teach-in should be accessible to the non-expert and there will be an opportunity to ask questions in the last 15 minutes.

Featured speakers include:

  • Miles Farmer, Staff Attorney, Climate and Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
  • Clarke Gocker, Director of Policy and Strategy, People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH Buffalo)
  • Jessica Azulay, Program Director, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE)
  • Cecil Corbin-Mark, Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives, WE ACT for Environmental Justice (WE ACT)
  • Hal Smith, CEO, Halco Energy

Sponsored by: New Yorkers for Clean Power, Alliance for a Green Economy, Catskill Mountainkeeper, PUSH Buffalo, Sane Energy Project, Renewable Heat Now, Riverkeeper, and Citizens for Local Power


Cuomo: Walk the Talk on Climate!
March & Rally in Albany

Mon, April 23, 12 pm – 5 pm
New York State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
RSVP Today!

In a time of record-shattering hurricanes, with our federal government bought and sold by the fossil fuel industry, states like New York must step up and fight climate change. But Governor Andrew Cuomo is effectively all talk – and too little action. It will take more than fine words to keep our families safe from the growing crisis.

That’s why on April 23rd, New Yorkers from across the state are descending on Albany to tell Governor Cuomo to walk the talk on climate. From Rochester to Rensselaer, Buffalo to Brooklyn, we will join forces to demand 3 bold actions to fight climate change, create jobs, and ensure justice for all:

  • Stop all fracking infrastructure projects
  • Move to 100% renewable energy
  • Make corporate polluters pay

We will start with an energetic, family friendly march to the Capitol and then pack the building with our collective power, followed by an (optional) opportunity to participate in civil disobedience nearby. More details on the day of the march will be available soon. For now, help us spread the word about this historic march. Brave climate leadership isn’t going to come from Washington. It’s going to come from us, if we step up and make our Governor work for the people and the climate.

Battery Storage, Climate, and the Grid: The Proposed Lincoln Park Project in Context


Join us for an educational forum for the public and municipal officials.

WHEN:    Tuesday, February 13, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
WHERE:  Rosendale Recreational Center
1055 Route 32, Rosendale, NY

With a proposal on the table to build a power generation facility in the Town of Ulster that combines a 20-megawatt gas-fired plant with battery storage, CLP is bringing together a panel of experts for an educational forum to help the public and municipal officials put this proposed project in context, better understand its implications, and identify the kinds of questions that need to be asked in the review process. Beyond this proposed project, the forum will help equip the public and decision-makers with the knowledge to assess and advocate for the kinds of projects that will best serve our communities’ energy needs and priorities.


    Introduction: Jen Metzger, Director, Citizens for Local Power (moderator)

  Energy Storage 101: What We All Need to Know

  • Dr. William Acker, Executive Director, New York Battery and Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST)
  • Karl Rabago, Executive Director, Pace Energy & Climate Center and Co-Director of the Northeast Solar Energy Market Coalition

  Emissions Impacts of the Proposed Lincoln Park Project

  • Evelyn Wright, Energy Economist, Sustainable Energy Economics, and member of Citizens for Local Power

To attend this event, please RSVP here.

Proposed Ulster Gas-Powered Generation Plant: January 17 Open House

Dear CAPP activists and friends,
CAPP-NY is mobilizing in response to a Town of Ulster initiative to install a natural gas-powered “Peaker” power plant.  Investment in fossil-fueled infrastructure is counter to the direction we need to protect our environment and health.
This event will give you an opportunity to find out more about this proposal and register your thoughts on it.  GlidePath is the company contracted to provide the batteries for the plant and claims it is proud of its record of supporting sustainable energy projects. This is not such a project if it is coupled with a gas-powered generator.  We hope all who are able will attend.  Please see details below.
“Open House” on proposed Gas-Fired Power Plant project in the Town of Ulster
hosted by GlidePath
Town of Ulster Senior Center next to the Town of Ulster Town Hall
Wednesday, January 17th from 6 – 8PM.
The GlidePath (Lincoln Park DG, LLC) is proposing to construct a peaking power generatior from a 20 megawatt (“MW”) natural gas-fired power plant along with a battery storage facility in the Town of Ulster. The Applicant asserts that the Project would assist in the integration of variable renewable generation from wind and solar projects and provide services including micro-gridding and black start. The Project would also include containerized lithium ion batteries for energy storage and on-site diesel storage as backup when the gas supply is disrupted. The generator will be housed within a steel building and will require two exhaust stacks for combustion emissions which will be a maximum of 100 feet tall.  The project is in the Town of Ulster near the intersection of Frank Sottile Blvd and Miron Lane.
The purpose of the Open House is to “gather feedback from community members, and answer questions about the Project.” From 6 – 7PM, citizens will have the opportunity to visit a series of booths set-up to unpack different aspects of the proposal. At 7PM, GlidePath will give a presentation, then take questions from the public.
Please view the event on Kingston Citizens Facebook page —
CAPP-NY’s reservations about this project have to do with the burning of fossil fuels. Currently, based on what we know, it would be OK if the project includes battery only or battery plus solar. However, some Town of Ulster residents are raising concerns about the site, which may have artifacts important to indigenous people and is also environmentally sensitive; the site was intended to be a forested buffer and includes wetlands. We need to learn much more about this! Please join us in our learning process as well as raising your voice in opposition to any sort of natural gas-fired engines being built, with stacks emitting polluting and climate-harming CO2, CH4 and VOCs.
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Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipelines